At the moment, we are not running our tours and we don’t know when or whether we will be able to start again. The Coronavirus situation might force us to close shop. But we try to stay optimistic and behave like everything will go back to normal sooner or later.
Before that happens, however, we will need a helping hand. And actually, there is something you could do to help us — please review our tours online! Because we believe “review” might be the only currency that will keep our business afloat in these troubled times. So could you be so kind to write a Tripadvisor or a Google review for us? We’d really appreciate it. If there ever was a time when we needed it, it is right now!
If you have already written a review (or reviews are not your cup of tea) and would like to help in another way we have set up a system of vouchers and gift certificates. Buying a voucher/gift certificate for your family or friends guarantees you a private tour with us in the future when it’s safe to do it. Please fill in the form below and we will send you the invoice.
In any case, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Cover photo (group) by Jure Eržen
Photo (woman guide) by Katja Goljat
Trenutno naših tur ponovno ne izvajamo in ne vemo, kdaj jih bomo spet lahko, če sploh. Kajti situacija s koronavirusom nas lahko porine čez rob. Kljub temu ostajamo optimisti in upamo, da se bodo stvari prej kot slej uredile.
Do takrat pa nam bo prav prišla tudi kakšna pomoč. Pravzaprav nam lahko pomagate na preprost način — napišite na splet vtis (review) z naše ture! Kajti zna biti, da bo “pozitivni vtis” edina valuta, ki nas bo obdržala nad vodo v teh težkih časih. Prosimo torej, če lahko napišete review na portal Tripadvisor ali Google. V tem trenutku ga res potrebujemo bolj kot kadarkoli prej!
Če ste vtis že napisali (ali pa pisanje vtisov ni za vas) in bi želeli pomagati na drugačen način, smo vzpostavili tudi sistem vavčerjev in darilnih bonov. Nakup vavčerja/darilnega bona vam zagotavlja privatno turo za vašo družino ali prijatelje, ki jo bomo izvedli takoj, ko bo to mogoče. Prosimo, izpolnite spodnji obrazec in poslali vam bomo predračun.
V vsakem primeru se vam vnaprej od srca zahvaljujemo!
Naslovna fotografija (skupina): Jure Eržen
Fotografija (vodnica): Katja Goljat