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Ljubljana Feminist Bike Tour premiers at the City of Women festival

The Ljubljana Feminist Bike Tour is a new take on the popular Ljubljana Feminist Tour, an educational two-hour walk around the city centre that has been run by the Urbana Vrana association since July 2017. Offering a gender perspective on Slovenia’s capital, Ljubljana Feminist Tour has become a Ljubljana mainstay. It is a popular way...
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Our boutique city tours of Ljubljana are back!

[English version below] Z veseljem vas obveščamo, da smo spet začeli izvajati naše ture. Čeprav je koronavirus močno prizadel našo dejavnost in kulturno-turistični sektor na splošno, ostajamo nepopravljivi optimisti. Zavedamo se, da so časi še vedno kritični, zato pozivamo vse, da ostanete previdni, odgovorni in prijazni do sočloveka. Vsi naši sprehodi in kolesarske ture so...
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[SLO] Kolesarska punk tura z Esadom Babačićem je spet nazaj!

Ljubljanska pankerska tura se prebuja iz zimskega spanca. Kmalu boste spet lahko užili Esadov poetični duh, vključno z njegovim žongliranjem z besedami. Kdaj? V soboto 21. marca ob 14. uri. Zborno mesto je zdaj že klasično stičišče vseh poti v nekdanjem Leninovem parku (danes Argentinski). Zaključek pa bo tri ure kasneje, torej ob 17. uri...
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We’ve co-founded a global network of feminist tours that stretches from Chile to Thailand

[Slovenian version below.] Connecting the feminist guides The Urbana Vrana association has become a co-founder of the Global Network of Feminist Tours that stretches from Chile to Thailand. How did this happen? In recent months, organisations Paseos por la ciudad from New York, FemiTours from Buenos Aires and Tours with Meaning from Santiago de Chile...
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Eleanor Roosevelt’s granddaughter goes on the feminist tour of Ljubljana

Last week we were delighted by an unexpected invitation. The Amnesty International Slovenia team, led by director Nataša Posel, who joined  our feminist tours a few months ago, invited us to a festive event at the Ljubljana City Hall. There was also a discussion there about a topic that is very close to us: Ljubljana’s...
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[SLO] Grafitarnice za učence 7., 8. in 9. razredov ljubljanskih osnovnih šol

V septembru in oktobru bodo na Letnem vrtu kluba Gala Hala potekale brezplačne grafitarske delavnice za učence 7., 8. in 9. razreda osnovnih šol v Mestni občini Ljubljana v okviru projekta Grafitarnice v produkciji Zavoda Culturemaker, #Kratka predstavitev projekta Grafitarnice  V Ljubljani nas grafiti in street art spremljajo na vsakem koraku, pri čemer si včasih...
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